Cultural Education in Rural Areas

Jugendliche sitzen in einer Scheune vor einem Monitor

Robert Bosch Stiftung/Jörg Gläscher

Call for proposals: 08/01/2019
Funding period: 2019–2023
Field of action: Quality in education

Objectives of the funding measure
The National Report on Education 2020 identifies regional disparities as a pivotal challenge for the German education system. This also applies to cultural education, which has gained in importance in recent years. In cities and structurally strong regions, which have a greater density of cultural institutions such as theatres, orchestras and museums, there is a wide range of cultural programmes on offer. When it comes to rural, peripheral regions, however, the situation is often different. In terms of education policy, this raises the question of what role cultural education plays in rural areas and of how we can succeed in shaping and promoting it appropriately in the future.

The BMBF is therefore funding 21 research projects that are investigating the specific situation in rural areas. The research approach is informed by educational science and embedded in the discourse of arts education. The projects are geared towards a quantitative and/or qualitative methodology, and the research approach is in most cases interdisciplinary in character – drawing particularly from the fields of education, culture, art, regional and social sciences and from human geography. In addition, they involve local actors in the sense of a community of practice or research network.

Link to projects in the Topic Finder

Meta-project accompanying the research projects
The meta-project for the funding directive ‘Cultural education in rural areas’ (MetaKlub) is headed by Prof. Dr Nina Kolleck, University of Leipzig.

Contact person:
Prof. Dr Nina Kolleck
Tel.: +49 (0)341 9735 635