Financial Education

Mädchen mit Kreditkarte und Handy

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Publishing date: 28/11/2023

Funding period: from 2024 until 2027

Fields of action: educational equity

Objectives of the funding initiative
With the help of financial education our society is able to grow and secure its prosperity sustainably. Financial education is the basic prerequisite for competent economic participation in modern, market-based societies. As an essential part of general and economic education, it also makes an important contribution to equal opportunities and of how our economic and financial system works. Against the backdrop of current socio-economic developments financial education is particularly important: demographic change and the increased need for private provision, the erosion of traditional employment biographies and multiple global crises which are leading to increased uncertainty throughout society, require citizens to have secure financial knowledge in order to make self-determined decisions. Financial education also helps people to act confidently even against the backdrop of an increasing variety of financial services and products. Financial education also helps to reduce inhibitions regarding the competent participation of everyone in the financial system. Financially literate people are generally in a better position to make financial decisions.

The overarching aim of the guideline is to improve the research and data basis for financial education in Germany and to generate research findings to strengthen evidence-based financial education. It is the aim  to derive application-oriented measures to promote financial education at all stages of education. In this way, financial education in Germany is to be improved across all stages of life.

The research field of financial education is interdisciplinary and has the potential to combine different scientific approaches, for example from economics, educational science, psychology, educational science, sociology or business education. In order to successfully expand financial competence in the education sector, collaboration between research and educational practice is needed. Innovative research methods and formats should enable academic-practice cooperation and thus contribute to financial education measures that link existing approaches to financial education with relevant disciplines of teaching and learning research.

Link to the funding call: