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Who is eligible for funding?

The Federal Ministry of Education funds research projects on specified priority areas as part of the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research.

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Funding directives for each of these priority areas are published by the BMBF. The directives provide the basis for researchers to apply for grants within specified deadlines in order to carry out their research projects. The directives include information on the purpose, subject matter and prerequisites for funding, and on the procedure for grant applications. They also include the review criteria, as well as the deadline for the submission of project outlines.

Contact person and further information

If you wish to apply for a grant under the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research, please follow the application procedure guidelines described in the relevant call for proposals. Calls for proposals as part of the framework programme can be found here.
The project management agency commissioned by the BMBF is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the application process.

Organisation and implementation

The BMBF has commissioned the project management agency DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) to handle individual funding measures within the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research. DLR-PT supports the BMBF in all organisational, scientific and technical, and administrative tasks. It plans and prepares funding activities, advises researchers on published funding directives, organizes an independent scientific review of applications, and provides a research- and client-oriented funding management. In addition, DLR-PT provides accompanying support for approved projects and advises and supports the BMBF in the development of content for future funding lines, for example, by organising expert discussions, as well as monitoring the research environment and relevant social and technological developments. In this way, DLR-PT is building a bridge between researchers, policymakers and civil society.

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
DLR Projektträger
Bildung, Gender | Empirische Bildungsforschung

Postal address:
Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1
53227 Bonn

Tel.: 0228 3821-1277
Fax: 0228 3821-1671
E-Mail: ebf@dlr.de