Supportive Diagnostic Testing in Inclusive Education

Pädagogin bei individueller Betreuung eines Kindes

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Call for proposals: 05/12/2019
Funding period: 2021–2026
Field of action: Quality in education

Objectives of the funding measure
From early childhood development to schooling, vocational education, and higher and further education, inclusive education is essential both for personal and professional development and for the social inclusion of all learners. For inclusive education to succeed, one thing above all is necessary: that learners receive individual support. A basic prerequisite for this is supportive diagnostic testing. This helps education professionals to respond more effectively to the specific needs of their learners, thus allowing learners to better realise their potential. The aim of the research is therefore to develop and improve tried and tested diagnostic and support instruments and to scientifically investigate their use in inclusive education. Supportive diagnostic testing is also important for the transition between individual stages of education. 

The funding directive ‘Supportive diagnostic testing in inclusive education’ follows on from the 2016 directive for funding research on ‘Qualification of educational professionals for inclusive education’. It is also part of the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research, and in this context it includes providing knowledge on dealing with diversity in educational institutions. The aim of the funding directive is to transfer the research results into the initial, further and continuing education of educational professionals. In this way, those involved in the research priority ‘Inclusive education’ make a direct contribution to fostering people with and without disabilities in all stages of education, thus advancing the development of an inclusive education system in Germany.

Link to funding drective:

Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zum Thema „Förderbezogene Diagnostik in der inklusiven Bildung“

Link to projects in the Topic Finder

Meta-project on the research priority ‘Inclusive education’
The meta-project is headed by Prof. Dr Dieter Katzenbach and Prof. Dr Michael Urban, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.

Contact persons:
Prof. Dr Dieter Katzenbach
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 798 36345
Prof. Dr Michael Urban
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 798 36446
Website: Qualifications for Inclusive Education – MQInkBi