Language education in the Immigration Society

Kinder schauen gemeinsam mit einer Lehrkraft auf den Bildschirm eines Laptop

Adobe Stock/Robert Kneschke

Call for proposals: 21/07/2021
Funding period: 2022–2028
Fields of action: ‘Educational equity’ and ‘Diversity and social cohesion’

Objectives of the funding measure
Germany is a diverse country in which people with different linguistic backgrounds live. Migration to Germany in recent decades and especially in recent years has contributed significantly to this. Securing and improving the educational and participation opportunities of all people living in Germany is therefore a central political goal of the Federal Government. Good language skills in German are the key to social participation, academic achievement and occupational attainment. Everyone should be supported according to their abilities and given the opportunity to participate equally in education regardless of their social and cultural background.

The aim of the funding measure "Language Education in the Immigration Society" is to secure and improve the language education of people living in Germany, to develop measures for supporting learners and to examine their effects. Based on the capabilities and prerequisites of the learners, an integrated language education should help each individual to exhaust her or his individual potential. The interfaces between the educational institutions and learning opportunities as well as the transitions between educational levels are particularly important. The funded projects examine the interplay between different learning environments and opportunities in formal, non-formal or informal education and the associated transitions and collaborations. In this way, the projects will contribute to make the best possible use of the various learning opportunities for language education.

Link to funding directive:

Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zum Thema „Sprachliche Bildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft

Link to projects in the Topic Finder

More funding directives in Language Education

Sprachliche Bildung und Mehrsprachigkeit

Forschungsinitiative Sprachdiagnostik und Sprachförderung (FiSS)

Meta-project for the research priority

The meta-project "Sprachliche Bildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft" is headed by Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth, University of Cologne.

Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth
Telefon: +49 (0)221-470-4620
