Baseline considerations and criteria for success (Digitalisation I)

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Call for proposals: Digitalisation in education – baseline considerations and criteria for success
Funding period: 2018–2022
Field of action: Digitalisation and education

Objectives of the funding measure
Information technologies and digital media are shaping the everyday lives of children, young people and adults more than ever before. However, many educational institutions have not yet adapted to this development. After all, digitalisation in education is not just a matter of using media to supplement or replace conventional teaching and learning materials. In fact, digitalisation is changing teaching and learning situations and the roles of teachers. It challenges established concepts and organisational structures. Learning in a digital world therefore requires new institutional, organisational and educational approaches to solutions and design.

Against this background, the BMBF is funding projects that have the aim of scientifically investigating interdisciplinary questions about the effects of digitalisation in the education sector. The findings are to be explored in joint discussions among researchers and practitioners with a view to the processes of change in the education system that digitalisation will entail.
On the other hand, the BMBF is funding projects with the aim of broadening the knowledge base for transformation processes in connection with digitalisation and of developing and testing design concepts.

Funding is provided for research projects that help to identify the challenges associated with digitalisation and that develop potential solutions in order to take advantage of the new opportunities being opened up.

Link to funding directive:

Richtlinie zur Förderung von Forschung zu "Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich – Grundsatzfragen und Gelingensbedingungen". Bundesanzeiger vom 26.09.2017

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